5 Tips for Potty Training Puppies

Potty training puppies starts the very first day when you bring your new friend home. If you use the following 5 steps you should have your puppy house trained in no time. If you miss any of these steps, you may set your training back and your puppy will need more time to learn.

The first thing you need to do when potty training puppies is to make sure your puppy is supervised 100% of the time. This means your puppy needs to be with you  or in a designated area. When your puppy can't be with you, a room separated by a puppy gate or a putting him in a crate is perfect. Make sure you have this set up before you bring your new puppy home so everything is ready to go.

The second thing you need to do when potty training puppies is to choose a specific area outside where you want your puppy to do his business. Again, make sure you have this area designated before you bring your puppy home. You need to take him to the same spot every time so this isn't something you want to decide when your puppy needs to relieve himself. When your puppy goes to this area, give him a command to let him know it's time to do his business. This command can be anything. Just make sure you use the same command every time.

The next thing is to praise your puppy immediately after he's done relieving himself. Praise is an important part of potty training puppies since your puppy will want to please you.

A fourth important part of potty training puppies is a consistent schedule for eating and drinking. Take your puppy outside immediately after he's done with his food and water. Your puppy's bladder is still small so he'll need to relieve himself right after eating or drinking. It's important to take him out immediately so he doesn't have an accident in the house.

If your puppy does have an accident make sure you have an enzymatic cleaner ready. These are available in any pet store and they are the only products that will get rid of stains and odors. You need to get rid of the odor completely since your puppy will go back to the same spots where he can still smell where he relieved himself before. You may not be able to smell anything, but your puppy will. This is why the enzymatic cleaner is so important when potty training puppies.

Finally, the most important tip when potty training puppies is to be patient and consistent. Each puppy will learn in his own time. You just need to be patient while your puppy learns the process and you can help him with this by being patient with him. Even if its not convenient for you, you need to be consistent. By doing this, your puppy will eventually learn to alert you when he needs to go out.

Potty training puppies is a learning process for both of you. Your puppy needs to learn to go outside to relieve himself and you need to learn his signals for when he needs to go. If you follow these tips, your puppy should be house trained in no time.